Ramblings of an old man...

Always go for lightsabers

Retro. It's a word that I come across a lot lately. I think it has a lot to do with my interests. I collect watches from the 1960`s, play video games from yesteryear on ancient apparatus and have a lot of comics from 'the golden age'. I also own way too many ancient fountain pens and LCD games.

And it's not that I have a strong dislike for new tech and machines. No, not at all. But I just got my Commodore 64 online so who needs quantum computing?

I truly think we need to remind ourselves sometimes what is important to us. What makes us happy. We need to remember where we came from. Our dreams, the ideas and ideals that we, often foolishly, held high when we were young. The older we get the more 'grey' we see in issues that are often black or white.

These memorabilia are my gateway to simpler times. Times when there was little doubt in my uneducated mind. Batman was right and the Joker was wrong. It's only as one ages you see the nuances. But to hell with the nuances I say! What did these nuances ever do for me? They only make my life more complicated.

So remember people: no one is "a little wrong" or has "some good" in him/her. No! I'm done with overthinking. From now on your Batman or the Joker. Your Optimus Prime or Megatron. He-Man or Skeletor. I could go on but you get the picture...

What I'm going to choose, you ask?

Probably something with lightsabers. You can never go wrong with lightsabers...

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