Ramblings of an old man...

I'm an astronaut!

We had a big barrel. And this barrel was full of Lego bricks. I'm not going to explain what Lego is. Nor do I have to. You've done well as a toy manufacturer if that is the case. But I digress...

On Saturday mornings my brother and myself would watch Fun Factory. We would not understand a word of it because we lived in the Netherlands. We learned quickly though and within a few weeks we were shouting 'By The Power Of Greyskull!' while swinging sticks dangerously about.

On these mornings in front of the television we would empty the barrel on the carpet. And while Megatron was very busy fighting Optimus we would build our own robots.

Our robots where somewhat more rudimentary then the Transformers, but in our minds they were capable of fantastic feats. We fought tremendous battles on those early Saturday mornings. My little brother was usually the winner because he had a habit of crying whenever he lost. He still does. He is 46 years old now. Still love the little bugger though.

On one of those mornings I spotted a little Lego man in the colorful pile. He was painted differently then the rest of his brethren: in all black, helmet on his yellow head and a planet on his chest.

From that moment on I wanted to be an astronaut. Let's just say I didn't even make it on the shortlist to travel into outer space.

But on those Saturday mornings I've traveled many galaxies in multi-colored space crafts. I'd navigate courageously into enemy territory and singlehandedly destroyed many threats to our planet. Nobody ever thanked me for that. And nor should they have.

It was all in a mornings work for me back then. And I feel you all need me once again. My 'Spidey sense' is tingling as someone (totally unrelated to this topic) would say.

So, if you'll please excuse me, I'm about to order some Lego sets.

It's time to bring 'The Black Starkiller' out of retirement!

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