Ramblings of an old man...

Problems, empathy and beer.

The older I become the more I seem to notice the little things. The way a couple sits in complete silence at that restaurant table. A girl that only laughs with her hand over her mouth. A neighbour that wears his Yankee's cap every waking hour.

We all have our problems. What one person considers a very big, earth shattering problem will only be a little blip on the radar for another.

We all have different anxieties, fears and upbringings. That, and the fact that we also have very different strengths and skills, makes us unique individuals.

And, while we are indeed unique, we are also so alike it's borderline boring! And that stems from our inbred desire for security, belonging and acceptance.

So when you go about your day try to do it in empathy regarding your fellow earth-dweller. That sounds corny as hell. But this old man is getting tired of all those hateful people that occupy the news.

You can blame the world for your problems. Believe me, I have walked that road. But you are not going to change the world. You can only change the way you interact with it.

Man, I sound like a preacher today.

I'm gonna pour myself a beer and shut up now...

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