Ramblings of an old man...

The Small Web

At the moment I'm vacationing in Germany. There is little to no bandwidth in these hills so I examined the so called 'small web' for alternatives.

As an old man I was at the birth of the internet. We handed out cigars in the hospital waiting room. That was a thing back then. The first modems, Netscape, IRC... etc. etc. And then the corporations took over. The human component was getting put aside more and more every year. The ads and revenues where getting bigger. Influencers starting popping up to 'influence' our youth.

And here we are. We now have a network of websites and online apps that puke out garbage. Small teasers, big auto-playing ads, pay-walls. Opening your browser should warn you that you might have an epileptic seizure.

I can say, with dry eyes, that 'we' (the grandparents of the internet) did not set out with this gotspe in mind when we first 'surfed' the web.

For the masses there is no way out. But for a few like minded individuals there might be an escape: the small web. If you curate your bookmarks. If you cut away the weeds and tend to your digital live, you can have a whole different experience.

It only takes some effort. Come to the dark side. We've got HTML.

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